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Prawf VO2max // VO2max Test

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Data a gesglir: VO2max | Cyfradd curiad calon uchaf | Trothwyon aerobig ac anaerobig | Parthau hyfforddi | Cyflymder/pwer ar VO2max
Disgrifiad: Mae’r prawf hwn yn mesur y swm mwyaf o ocsigen y gall eich corff ei ddefnyddio yn ystod ymarfer corff egnïol, gan roi arwydd o’ch ffitrwydd aerobig cyffredinol a’ch gallu dygnwch.

Data obtained: VO2max | Maximal heart rate | Aerobic & anaerobic thresholds | Training zones | Speed/power at VO2max
Description: This test measures the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during intense exercise, giving an indication of your overall aerobic fitness and endurance capacity.


Detailed Description

I gael argaeledd archebu, cysylltwch â Tom Owens, [email protected]


For booking availability, please contact Tom Owens, [email protected]